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Common sash window mistakes people make

Common sash window mistakes people make
Common sash window mistakes people make
Tue Mar 28

You may think that choosing which windows to have in your home (then having them installed) is a relatively easy and fuss-free process. The truth is, for most, it is easy enough to do, but that doesn’t mean that there are no mistakes to be made.

To help you to avoid them, we have put together some of the most common sash window mistakes that people make.

Not having them professionally installed

One of the main things that can go wrong with sash windows is not having them professionally installed. If the person who is installing them is not 100% sure of what they are doing, or they don’t have the right tools or materials to hand, then the chances are that the windows won’t be what you want them to be.

It may cost a little more to have them professionally installed, but we can promise you that this is an investment that is worth paying out for, especially when you think about how your home looks from the outside.

Not having a warranty on the work

It is always the hope that any windows that you have had installed in your home are going to stand the test of time (and, so long as you have invested in them and taken the time to choose the right ones for your home), then you shouldn’t have any issues.

That said, things can go wrong over time, and just in case this happens, you are going to want to have some form of cover.

This is where a warranty can help. The idea of a warranty is that it provides you with a cover for your sash windows should anything go wrong over time.

Warranty means that you will not only be able to book your window in to be repaired or replaced if there are any issues. All without having to worry about it costing you extra. This is important if you want to save yourself some money in the long term.

Not thinking about security

Your windows are a key entry point for any would-be criminals, which means that security is something that you want to be mindful of. Sash windows look great, this is why many people choose them, but they do also need to be combined with some high-quality security measures to keep you and your home safe.

Good quality locks are important when it comes to installing sash windows, and they should be durable too. If you make sure that this is something that you put in place, then your home should be protected.

Not checking out reviews

It is important that the company that you choose for your new window installation is going to give you the high-quality windows that you are looking for. One of the best ways that you can do this is by looking at the reviews from previous clients and customers.

This will tell you the type of results that you are likely to receive and the type of service that they are going to provide too.

If you follow these top tips, then you should be left with sash windows that not only look great but also stand the test of time. Exactly what you are going to want for the outside of your house.


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