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Period properties to visit in London

Period properties to visit in London
Period properties to visit in London
Fri Sep 23

One of the best things about living in the UK is that there are an absolute wealth of excellent period properties that they can visit and enjoy. There are lots of different places that you see some great examples of period properties in the capital of England. London.

If you want to feel that you have had the chance to see the best period properties in London, here is our guide to some of the ones you need to visit.

Kew Palace

Not only is Kew Palace a period property, but it is also a Grade I listed building too; or at least Dutch House is. This building is a part of the original set-up and was built as a part of a building that pre-dated the 1631 house.

Ham House

Built-in 1610, this house can be found on the Thames in West London. It is thought that this particular house is a complete survival of the 17th century and showcases the fashion and the power of this specific time period.

Sutton House

This red brick building is amongst a rare period property, thanks to the fact that it has its Tudor windows. Built-in 1535, it was originally called Bryck Place, and over the years, the house has had a variety of different (and not to mention interesting) tenants,

Kenwood House

Hampstead Heath is a beautiful part of the city, attracting many people every year. If you are already in the area, it is worth planning a visit to Kenwood House. A majestic stately home that was built in 1616.

Fenton House

One of the best parts of Fenton House has to be the beautiful walled gardens that surround the large, detached home. Within the house, you will see a variety of historical instruments, furniture and paintings too.

William Morris Gallery

A part of the Georgian period properties in London, the William Morris Gallery is a beautiful example of just how stunning Georgian architecture can be. William Morris, a famous designer and socialist, called this property his own, which is why it is now a place dedicated to telling the story of his life and the work he finished during.

Osterley Park and House

Another Georgian period property, Osterley Park and House, was built during the 1780s. This house is set within its own park, which means that it is able to give you a variety of amazing things to see. Formal gardens and wonderfully preserved interiors all come together to create a space that is just like a step back in time.

Red House

For those who are looking for a Victorian-period property, Red House is a great option. It is another home of William Morris and was actually designed by the man himself.

If you are in the capital and you want to spend time looking at some of the most beautiful properties from a variety of time periods, we hope that this list has helped you. Work out what appeals to you most and then plan in a time to see them, and then you can feel inspired, even if they are not properties that you would be able to buy yourself any time soon.


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